Sunday, August 1, 2010

Carrie Underwood's 4th Single off Play On

Carrie Underwood has announced that the fourth single off her album Play On will be the song titled "Mama's Song". The cheesiest song she has probably recorded in her career.

Awful single choice, Carrie. Why not release "Quitter", "Songs Like This", "Unapologize" or "What Can I Say?" instead? Love her to death, but this choice really angers me.


Anonymous said...

true that!

. said...

Completely Agree With You
Wrong Single Choice... There Are Much Better Songs On The Album

Mike said...

Me thinks "wedding fever" is taking over the decision making. I concur, worst choice of single. If it were not for the position of the single on the CD, it would probably be the lowest listened to song from the album, along with What Can I Say and Play On; all are just way too "cheesy" to be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

Im pretty sure she went with this song because she just got married and i dont think its the cheesiest i like it.

Anonymous said...



why carrie why?

I love her to death, too, and I can't stand that she puts these terrible songs she cowrote on her album. I don't like songs like this or quitter, but WHAT CAN I SAY would be such a hit even though I can't stand sons of what's their name. AND UNAPOLOGIZE IS THE BEST SONG ON THE WHOLE ALBUM.


christopheray said...

its a cute song. maybe not the best choice, but people love her so it will do well

Zach said...

I completely agree. Definitely one of my least favorite songs from the album. I would have rather had Quitter or Songs Like This as the next single. Really disappointed...

Anonymous said...

i love the song.. not the best song on the album.. but it fits great, maybe shell do a candid video of her own wedding in the video?

Carrie Underwood Concert said...

She has truly proven herself as being a real singer and songwriter and has surpassed the title of American Idol many times over.