Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rihanna- "We Found Love" [Music Video]

I've been told if I have nothing nice to say, I shouldn't say anything at all.


Anonymous said...

This video is trash .... and honestly, I think she is too. I really loved the vibe of this song, and I was thinking to myself, Oh my God..... is it happening? Is Rihanna going to put out something that's just carefree and fun without being sleazy? I was excited when I saw the screen caps of the field .... I thought okay, this will be similar to 'Only Girl', and maybe Rihanna will look sexy and flirty but not gross.

Guess I was wrong. Way wrong. Done with Rihanna. She and Lady GaGa should be together, I swear they're made for each other.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Lady GaGa can actually sing live unlike tone deaf Rihanna, she actually writes her own songs, and she actually comes up with creative videos, not the same slutty crap every single time like queen of the sluts Rihanna.

Anonymous said...

I loved it, I don't know why everyone's all sensitive all of a sudden. The video elevated the song to a much darker place to which the lyrics hint at.

Unknown said...

Funny thing, I really haven't been that much in this song...To me the chorus were too much repetitive and the song didn't do anything special. But being a skins fan (uk version thank you) I just fell in love with the video. The video reminds everyone who watches Skins, of the popular show. Just one thing though, did she puke silk or ribbons?

Anonymous said...

the video is about love is like a drug !and u get high from love and sometimes you dont really realize how far you lost yourself in it!and its became too dangerous!! the consept of the video is great and matches to the song but she gone to far with it ..

Simon said...

Chris V : Yeah it reminds me of Skins too... but Skins looked more classy, that's slutty.

I don't like that vid neither. She went way too far with the slutty role and the director could have done something very creative and cool but this reminds me of Skins in a bad way. Skins was awesome. Rihanna should change or she'll lose her fans.

David said...

What the fuck is with the British accent? You're from Barbados bitch!

Anonymous said...

Love this video! It makes the song relevant. It's like Lady Gaga's telephone, in wich the song was "meh", but the video make it happend.