Now she has scored a feat that even her most talented of competitors have tried and failed to achieve.
For as of this Global Chart week, her sophomore album has now sold more than 10 million copies despite being less than a year old.
With 276,000 units sold around the world this week, the LP has now sold 10.15 million units making it the fastest selling album since 2004 and makes one of the highest selling artists of all time.
Beating the likes of Lady GaGa and Beyonce to see a single album shift so many copies within such a short space of time, the album is also the first LP since 1993 to spend more than 30 weeks in the Top 5 of the Billboard 200.
It sells a lot to get that kind of album sales in an era of ipods and music downloads. It has to be the album of 2011.
Hmmm, I'm thinking Album of the Year at the Grammy's next year. I only like some of Adele's songs, but that's amazing that she's sold that many copies of her sophomore album. Guess it shows that you don't have to look like Katy Perry, Lady GaGa, or Rihanna to sell records.
Not a fan of hers. But the woman is Legend! Obviously!
just goes to show even garbage music can sell!!! not sure why im writing this EVERYTHING ive ever tried to post always gets shot down!!
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