Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Best Damn Blog: Top Music Videos Countdown

I came across this idea last night and I tried it even though I've never put anything together like this before. I had never edited a video or even knew how to work the controls, so I was pretty sure this was going to be a disaster. I surprised myself, because this didn't turn out half bad! This one is just a test of maybe a new activity we could pick up at the blog here... maybe we can have you guys voting for a week on your favorite music videos, and at the end of the week I'll make a countdown video with your votes. I'm just brainstorming here, this could turn into something good.

But what do you think of it? Like it?


Anonymous said...

u never done anything like this before and u made THAT? wow! props to u.. that's amazing.

I like the voting idea too.. :)

JJ said...

Nice video for your first one! The voting idea would be cool

Lupin said...

Cool video! How'd you get the studio audio from The Edge of Glory playing over her live Idol performance? That was so cool.

Anonymous said...

As long as we can vote on the music videos...because really?

Gabe said...

Thanks for the comments!

@Anonymous #2
Yes, the plan is to have you vote for the videos. This one was just a test for me to see if I could put something together and get your opinion on it.

I just deleted the audio from the live version and looped it with the studio version. Wasn't hard. Hehe. :)

Anonymous said...

Before I Even Saw Number 1 I Knew It Was Rolling In The Deep lol

Anonymous said...

you should do the videos shorter than that, with 30 sec of the video i think is enough XD

Anonymous said...

i like it

Nate said...

I think the video was great and the voting idea can work. I konw ill vote...