Thursday, May 26, 2011

[Download] Haley Reinhart - American Idol Journey

Track List:
1. Blue
2. I'm Your Baby Tonight
3. You've Really Got A Hold On Me
4. Bennie and the Jets
5. Piece of My Heart
6. Call Me
7. Rolling in the Deep
8. Beautiful
9. The House of the Rising Sun
10. Yoü and I
11. Earth Song
12. I Who Have Nothing
13. What Is And What Should Never Be
14. I Feel the Earth Move (with Casey Abrams)

Haley Reinhart - American Idol Journey

I do this every year with the winner, but Scotty doesn't deserve it. His songs were the least downloaded the entire season, so why waste my time? I did it for Haley instead, because let's face it, she's the real winner this season.

P.S. Yes, all songs are studio recordings on the best m4a quality. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey now..she didn't win and if you do this for the winner every year you should do it for Scotty because he won...hayley didn't. Thanks for the links of her though.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot! I love Haley, she should won

Anonymous said...


Gabe said...

Fun fact: Haley is the contestant with the most standing ovations from the judges in the show's history, with a total of 3.

Anonymous said...

not saying haley didn't deserve to win. but it's not like scotty was horrible. I mean he obviously deserved to win, seeing as the majority of viewers picked him. Weird how that works...
to me, it just seems that you aren't into the whole country music thing.

Gabe said...

"it just seems that you aren't into the whole country music thing."

^ Then obviously you haven't been visiting this blog long enough to know what I like because that statement couldn't be further from the truth.

If I didn't do it for Scotty is because people didn't really care to download his songs in the first place. Haley got almost 2000 more song downloads than Scotty. So why do one for him when I know most people won't download it?

Anonymous said...

THANKS!! please do one for James, Casey, Pia and Lauren too please please please!!! I love them..Scotty sucks he don't deserve he is fake, he is ridiculous and he is one trick men he winds not becuase he have "country audience" cause not even they like him he wins cause he have a buch of lame ass screaming girls with no self-esteem

Kaylee said...

WoHoo!!!!! This is awesome thanks! now I can burn them into a cd and listen to Haley in my car all the time.

I agree, you would've wasted your time doing one for Scotty... all his songs sounded the same all season long.

OSO-Deluxe-Edition said...

I already have them (as a die-hard Haley fan) but I highly recommend everyone to download these.
she won already, nobody cares about Scotty (he's okay but let's face it, he didn't even deserves to be in the top4) just saying, and I bet he's gonna have a "one and done" kinda career, one album and that's about it.

can't wait for her Haley's music!

OSO-Deluxe-Edition said...

this is heaven to be honest!

Anonymous said...

I Love Haley's Performances shes the best contestant of this season and maybe a long time

Eduardo Guerra said...

hey gabe,
some people are asking you to do scotty mcreery...well...itunes has released his cd and i've got the link:
Just upload it :)

Anonymous said...

love this one! hopefully along with the other finalists (thia, pia, casey and james) all have great careers soon :)

Anonymous said...

thanks so much Gabe!

Music Roxx said...

Thanks Gabe, in my opinion Haley was the most improved contestant through out the whole season. I was sad when she didnt make the top 2. I voted like crazy for her.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you totally. She was the best

DRW said...

Have them all already - LOVE HALEY!

But I agree Haley should have one. Can't wait for her debut album, hope it's not too far away.

Also, why weren't the other 2 performances from Haley's final week put up on iTunes? You Oughta Know and Rihannon? Annoying...

Everyone should download these though - awesome voice.

Anonymous said...

Haley's voice is pretty awesome but I do believe Scotty deserves the victory. I'm a country music fan, so I'm able to listen to it thoroughly without getting annoyed.

Keipi said...

This is awesome man! Thank you so much for posting this up! Haley really deserved to be at the Top 2 and become a Champ! But oh well, I will just be looking forward to her future 'cause I know she will make it HUGE in the music industry! Shindig! :D

Dennis Ian said...

This is soooooooooooooo nice.. thanks a lot. i'm a big big fun of Haley. too bad she didn't win.

sandrims said...

Hola, Gabe. Espero que entiendas algo de lo que te escribo...
Primero quería darte las gracias por haber hecho este fantástico recopilatorio. Esta niña me fascinó desde los castings. Merecía ganar por su sensualidad, potencia de voz desgarradora, interpretación de las canciones, etc. Tambien quería darte las gracias por el recopilatorio ya que llevo horas buscando sus canciones por separado y me he topado con tu blog. Toda la búsqueda se debe a que aqui, en España, aún van por los 5 finalistas y por curiosidad, no he querido esperar a ver quien gana. Te aseguro que ya no lo haré. Hacía mucho que no me enganchaba con un realiti y con este lo he hecho. No me puedo creer el ganador habiendo cantantes de la calidad de Haley, Casey, James... Incomprensible... Un abrazo desde España.

sandrims said...

Hello, Gabe. I hope you understand something of what you write...
First I wanted to thank you for making this fantastic compilation. This girl fascinated me since the castings. He deserved to win for their sensuality, power of heartbreaking voice, interpretation of the songs, etc. Also wanted to thank you for the compilation that I've been looking for their songs separately for hours and I have come across your blog. The search is here, in Spain, still go by the 5 finalists, and out of curiosity, did not want to wait and see who wins. I assure you that now I will not. For a long time that I not hitched with a realiti and with this I have done so. I can't believe the winner having singers of the quality of Haley, Casey, James... Incomprehensible... A hug from Spain.

Gabe said...

Claro que entendi! Un placer para mi que esta pagina te haya ayudado en algo, y acerca de lo que dices sobre la competencia, estoy totalmente de acuerdo.

Muchos saludos, España!