Saturday, October 2, 2010

Justin Bieber Matches Record Held by 'NSync

This week, Justin Bieber's My World 2.0 marks its 27th straight week in the top 10 on the album chart. In fact, the album's only been on the chart for 27 weeks total, and it's never left the top 10 throughout that time. That means that Bieber has now matched a record set by another group of teen idols. Yahoo!'s Chart Beat column reports the last album to spend its first 27 weeks in the top 10 was 'NSync's No Strings Attached, back in 2000.

Of course, it's also important to note out that in 27 weeks, No Strings Attached had already sold over 7 million copies, compared to the 1.8 million My World 2.0 has sold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

but of course its also important to note that most ppl download illegally or buy in itunes nowadays