Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kanye West Wrote an Apology Song for Taylor Swift

It’s been about a year or so since the infamous “I’ma let you finish” incident between Kanye West and Taylor Swift, but with the 2010 MTV VMA’s just around the corner, Mr. West wants to make sure that the olive branch has been firmly extended to Young Swift.

“I’m sorry, Taylor,” he tweeted. “We’re both artists, and the media and managers are trying to get between us. She deserves the apology more than anyone. Thank you [Twitter co-founders] Biz Stone and Evan Williams for creating a platform where we can communicate directly.”

Expounding on the backlash he received, he wrote, “If you Google asshole my face may very well pop up 2 pages into the search. … There are people who don’t dislike me … they absolutely hate me. People tweeted that they wish I was dead … No listen. They wanted me to die, people. I carry that.”

Kanye also said that he had a song he’d written for Taylor. Should she not be receptive to that idea, he said he’d perform it for her.

“She had nothing to do with my issues with award shows,” he wrote. “She had no idea what hit her. She’s justa lil girl with dreams like the rest of us. Beyoncé didn’t need that. MTV didn’t need that and Taylor and her family friends and fans definitely didn’t want or need that.”

Kanye said that he returned from the ego-driven fiasco with a greater sense of who he needs to be in life.

“When I woke up from the crazy nightmare, I looked in the mirror and said GROW UP KANYE. I’m ready to get out of my own way. The ego is overdone. I take the responsibility for my actions. Yes I was that guy. A 32 year old child. With new found humility … who am I to run on stage? I would never ever again in a million years do that. Sorry to let you down.”

Though it does seem a bit too little, too late for a 140 character apology, it is pretty apparent that Kanye has taken his hiatus to re-evaluate his actions and focus on what really matters. And if Taylor has forgiven him, we should do the same. Plus, I’m kinda curious to see what would cook up should the two collaborate. Might be like Nelly and Tim McGraw’s 2004 single “Over and Over”, perhaps?

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