Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Katy Perry is not a Fan of Lady Gaga's New Video

Moments after Lady Gaga's music video for "Alejandro" was released, Katy Perry voiced her opinion on the video's use of Catholic imagery via Twitter. Here's what the singer had to say:
"Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke."
Well, I'm sure this is one of many negative comments about the video to come.


Anonymous said...

Kitty Perry is about as cheap as it gets so why is this bitch complaining. Fuck you kitty.

Anonymous said...

I think she is totally right on this...
Im a huge Lady GaGa fan but this time she's gone way too far...i agree with Katy Perry...

MkMiku said...

I'm a huge Gaga fan as well, but I think her Alejandro and Telephone video crossed the line (whatever that line may be...), it makes her Bad Romance video look like something you would see on daytime TV.

Zach said...

I have to agree with Katy on this one. I think the video would make more sense if her lyrics were actually meaningful. And I love GaGa! It's just that the video and the song are just too different. The lyrics have no real meaning to them. I love GaGa, but Katy's starting to steal her spotlight for me. California Gurls is just so catchy!

tombrayder said...

i agree also lady gaga went way too far on this video it is horrible i cant even believe that she would do that

Joseph said...

what exactly happens in the video that's so controversial? i tried to watch it but it was too long lols

Audiosuperstar said...

I have never thought Lady Gaga's videos were that great. She tries to be creative, but it comes off like a cheap trick.. If it were done tastefully I wouldn't mind but this video seriously sucks.. And another thing.. That video could have easily been cut down to fit the actual time of the track. EDIT GAGA, EDIT! Editing is a huge part of what every artist must do. Next time, make your video equal to the time of the actual song. It's a fast paced life and people don't want to sit around for 10 minutes watching a bunch of crap.

Anonymous said...

Yay for Katy speaking her mind! I agree with her on some parts!

Anonymous said...

LMAO at Katy calling anything cheap, but the Lady Gaga video was really bad. But then again, Katy Perry's new song/video looks HORRIBLE as well. I consider these two to be total shitty artists.

Anonymous said...

Katy Perry's first single was 'I Kissed a Girl', something controversial and "blasphemous" to jumpstart her career. She's being so hypocritical it's ridiculous. And blasphemy is NOT Lady GaGa's aim in this video, it's how you are receiving the message.

Anonymous said...

"I kissed a Girl" was blasphemous?...hum ok?

Anonymous said...

They slaughtered Xtina for doing an hommage to Madonna (Express Yourself) and calling her a Laday Gaga copycat.

Now, Gaga does many obvious Madonna elements. Nobody saying anything? What a world.

Does it make Xtina a copycat. No, but Gaga

Anonymous said...



She does everything step by step what Madonna did in the past.


Anonymous said...

Well Katy, it looks like I won't be a fan of your upcoming 'California Gurls' video. Learn to spell girls right. Looks dumb as hell. And enough with the fugly colored wigs already! Loved Alejandro!

Anonymous said...

I'm a fan of both Lady GaGa and Katy Perry, but a way bigger fan of Lady GaGa. I still like Katy's music, but she really can be a bitch. Her music videos are nothing compared to Gaga's. California Gurls looks like a very forgettable video, while Alejando is purposely controversial, and will be easily remembered. Which one would you remember 5 years from now? If I were her I would've just kept my mouth shut.

Anonymous said...

Alejandro's video is very bad so I also agree

Anonymous said...

I don't care how controversial a song is. Or who has a more memorable song. Or which one tops the charts. MY opinion is I loved the song, but I hated the video. I'm liberal, and for gay rights(I'm straight), but more importantly, I'm also a Christian, and my religion comes waay before my political views. Why can't she just have club videos? Or a sequel to "Telephone"? :/ I think she needs a new art director.