Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dancing With The Stars Winners!

[Spoilers Ahead!!!]3rd Place:
Erin Andrews & Maksim Chmerkovskiy

2nd Place:
Evan Lysacek & Anna Trebunskaya

Nicole Scherzinger & Derek Hough

Congrats to them! :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, congrats to the "dancer" for winning "dancing" with the stars, a competition where they take celebs who aren't "dancers" and see them improve and become good "dancers". It was such a shock that she won, really! Lmfao. Hated them from day 1. Derek is always a cocky jerk and so is Nicole. When you take a dancer and put her on DWTS, of course she should win, she already does it better than everyone! Wish Evan would've won. Anna deserved to finally win.

Anonymous said...

Did i miss something? Isn't this a competition about someone who isn't a dancer getting better as the competition goes on? Nicole was already a dancer. Disappointed. Hopefully Lee wins AI.

Anonymous said...

last 2 comments show how foolish u are, it means u've never watch a show or maybe a bit. If u don't know something, u better shut it cuz word can tell a lot. They've proved themselves that they deserve to win, that's y they'r win.

ChristopheRay said...

they did an amazing job. who gives a shit if she was a performer already. she deserved it, she's worked her ass off for this. =)

Anonymous said...

I hate Nicole. Evan should have won. It was fixed anyway since her new single dropped the same day.

Unknown said...

It was fixed??? really? Wow, u re one hell of the delusional. Don't u know anything abt education? It calls "Management" of the labor. Interscope maybe plan it to release in the Final day, but they cant foresee the future. And Nicole & Interscope r no mafia. They can't blackmail the show that earn million of viewers. STUPID AGAIN

Anonymous said...

haters could same the same thing about all the olympic athletes that have won in the past, so don't be so hypocritical, people

Anonymous said...

How is being an olympian the same as being a dancer? Don't see how they're alike at all. And to the 3rd anonymous comment, i have watched EVERY single episode this season, and i've been watching DWTS since season 2. And have you ever heard of spellcheck? Try using it next time, k?

Anonymous said...

olympic athletes are already physical people and especially figure skaters or gymnasts and others who had to learn choreography in their trades.

nicole deserved to win. she DID work her butt off and was the best.

Anonymous said...

Yes, well, nothing anyone can say will make me like her anymore or make me glad that she won. And if you're saying that olympians are already physical people, you might as well say that about every other athlete that's competed, because it's true(like football players). And btw, figure skaters don't have to worry about things like pointing their toes like dancers DO. I'm done here, won't say anything more.

Anonymous said...

1 last post. Oh btw, here's a poll from people.com in which as you can see, almost 20,000 people voted and more than half think the same as I do. She was already a great dancer at the beginning of the competition, just like at the end. The show is supposed to be about growth as a dancer.

Tell us: Did Nicole deserve to win Dancing?
Yes. She was the best dancer 32% (6,445 votes)
No. She was always a great dancer 68% (13,518 votes)
Total Votes: 19,963