Tuesday, May 25, 2010

American Idol Top 2: What They Sang!

Lee DeWyze:
Contestant's Choice: "The Boxer"
Simon Fuller's Choice: "Everybody Hurts"
Winner Single: "Beautiful Day"

Crystal Bowersox:
Contestan's Choice: "Me and Bobby McGee"
Simon Fuller's Choice: "Black Velvet"
Winner Single: "Up to the Mountain"

Who will you be voting for?

I'll be voting for Lee DeWyze. The dude deserves it.


Anonymous said...

crystal bowersox owned him

Anonymous said...

Lee has also OWNED Crystal the past 4 weeks.

Anonymous said...

Lee FTW!!! He completely deserves it, and he would definitely be more popular than Crystal. Go Lee!!

Anonymous said...

Go Crystal!!! She outshines Lee in every possible way. Lee cannot sing, and this is a singing competition. If Crystal doesn't win I'll be very disappointed. Either way, this is my last season.

Anonymous said...

Crystal deserves it! She owns the night and is so unique and awesome!

Anonymous said...

I'm def. voting for Lee!! Don't care to see Crystal and her dirty dreadlocks and yellow missing teeth ever again! Lee will be more popular regardless of tomorrow's result.

RuIn123 said...

Did I miss something or is this the first single from the winner that's a cover? WTF


"Lee has also OWNED Crystal the past 4 weeks."

But Crystal OWNED Lee all the weeks prior to that 4 weeks including last night.

Anonymous said...

From my view...

Lee: Last night, the judges we're OK with all of his performances.

Crystal: Last night, all the judges praise her performances.

MOnzz-Winzz said...

Well, I definitely vote for lee in this season, hell yeah he deserves it.... Of course the finale performance wasn't so great, probably because he's nervous, but he's been doing so well on this season, n i think his unique voice can give many great hits in the future... GO LEE!!!

Anonymous said...

As much as i think both of them are talented, Crystal has been consistant vocally throughout the whole season and she puts more soul into her music than Lee. No offense to Lee fans (i like him too ok?) but he lacks expression on stage... unlike past winners and runner-ups who look like they could actually win!!

So, this round, i think should go to Crystal :) She earned and deserves it :)

Anonymous said...

Oh btw, jz 2 prove 2 u guys I'm not purposely siding with Crystal, I liked Lee's possible future single "Beautiful Day" alot!!! But still, gotta be fair right? :P

PS: This is a continuation of my past comment

Anonymous said...

how were the winners' singles chosen? are the songs different for each person every season? I thought they used to be the same song...

I'm really excited for the finale tonight. I don't really care who wins. I'm just glad that the winner isn't predictable! :D