Sunday, August 1, 2010

Ke$ha Feat. Katy Perry- "True Love" [New Song]

Check out this new song by Ke$ha featuring Katy Perry. It's titled "True Love". I haven't got a clue what it's for. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

wow this song is horrible. i love all katy perry but this song is just bad. probabaly cause it has kesha in it. not really a fan of hers

Anonymous said...

ugh those 2 untalented sluts.. i wish the underated true artists somehow just took over the mainstream... but obviously that'll never happen

A said...

dear "Anonymous" keep your hating to yourself.

Anonymous said...

It's fresh but sounds like a demo

Anonymous said...

I love how people all kesha a slut when in not even one of her videos is she acting or looking slutty lol maybe ur one

Anonymous said...

and why are you ppl even defending her? there are some true talent out there that structure their whole life and career to be musicians, and yet ppl like her get in so easy using a machine to edit their voice. even britney and rihanna have better voices than this trailer trash. and katy perry has a nice voice but she like many other popular artists waste it on shit songs