Thursday, August 5, 2010

David Archuleta- "Something 'Bout Love" Video

David Archuleta
has released the music video for his new single "Something 'Bout Love", off his album The Other Side of Down, hitting stores this fall. It's a good song, I'm actually surprised it hasn't caught on yet on the radio. The video is okay, dude still looks like he's twelve years-old though. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

i liked it. cheesy typical video, but it was still pretty good :)

Anonymous said...

Great song - good video. Radio doesn't play David no matter how good his music is. Biased against him for some reason.

Anonymous said...

I thought David looked much older in this video! Boy's growing up, and dayum...looking fine. :p

Ashley said...

Amazing video! Best one David's done so far!

Anonymous said...

He looks older than 12 to me. man, he is growing up nicely. He could have been a freshman in college. It is a catchy song. At a first listen, I was singing the chorus. It will be a good summer jam. BTW, Beaver looks like eight year old.

Karen said...

WOW you think David still looks 12? No, he looks much more his age here. He really is growing into a mighty fine looking young man. I love this song and its very David. I really hope it hits.