Sunday, August 29, 2010

Britney Spears - Radiance Commercial

Check out the commercial for Britney Spears' new fragrance Radiance. She looks great! Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

THAT WAS AMAZING. I honestly did not except that from her

Anonymous said...

that was a nice commercial, but choose your own destiny? shouldn't she have saved that tag line for a perfume called Destiny or something...?

Anonymous said...

Better than the Shakira's commercial

Anonymous said...

i want this fragrance now... she looks fabulously beautiful. im proud. =)

G said...

"Choose your own destiny" says the girl that is controlled by her father???

christopheray said...

she looks amazing. i'm glad she's doing better. =D

Gleek94 said...

Fantastic! She looks fabulous in the commercial. Hope we get some new music soon? :)