Ozzy Osbourne's Scream did respectably with about 77K copies sold.
Billboard's official numbers will see the light of day tomorrow.
Billboard's official numbers are in:
#1. Eminem - Recovery (741k)
#2. Drake - Thank Me Later (152k)
#3 Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed (102k)
#4. Ozzy Osbourne - Scream (81k)
Billboard's official numbers are in:
#1. Eminem - Recovery (741k)
#2. Drake - Thank Me Later (152k)
#3 Miley Cyrus - Can't Be Tamed (102k)
#4. Ozzy Osbourne - Scream (81k)
why is it, that 77k is respectable...but 106k is "not so hot"
I didn't write the article. BUT I can see why though. Ozzy doesn't have nearly the fame, promotion, hype OR fanbase that Miley does... yet she only sold about 40k more than him.
they all did good job
well done
some cant even sell 50,000
in one year
I like both of them even eminem and miley. So I can't say anything about them.
Gabe, I just think that it is (no matter how big anyone's fanbase is) that over a 100,000 albums in one week is pretty impressive, but really this whole top 4 was great, everyone did a nice job!
well miley cyrus's last official album breakout sold over 300,000 and her ep sold around 90,000 but that was an ep and can't be tamed is a full album. ozzy and miley do not have the same promotional machines behind them with miley getting alot of television spots. look at chrisitna over 100,000 in one week but that is considered a flop. its just an expectation maybe this album will sell a ridiculous amount but over time only time will tell its just concerning debuts not that strong.
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