Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Megan Fox Dropped from Transformers 3

Nikki Finke Exclusive: I've just learned that Paramount won't be picking up Megan Fox's option on Transformers 3 -- and that it was "ultimately" director Michael Bay's decision. (So he gets his revenge for her remark comparing him to "Hitler".) Right now Bay et al are finishing up the script for the threequel and "giving Shia a new love interest makes more sense for the story," an insider tells me. Bay will start casting immediately for the new female co-star.

Huge mistake on their part. Megan is one of the reasons why Transformers is so successful.


Anonymous said...

Horrible decision. Megan was one of the main reasons I enjoyed the movies, she's sexy and funny in the films and I know I won't enjoy this new Transformers as much without Megan Fox. :(

Anonymous said...

They should choose Amber Heard

Anonymous said...

I smell a flop. No way I will sit through that mess without Megan

Anonymous said...

Megan, didnt do shit for the movie. Shes completely useless. Better Transformers, no Megan Fox. The 3rd movie will rock.

Anonymous said...

lmfao revenge on megan? more like this is a double burn on Bay by Fox.
this movie will fail. epicly.
i cannot wait to hear all about the Fox fans revolting and causing uproar and havoc haha.
its going to be awesome.

Bay, you lose lol

Anonymous said...

Megan's rep said it was her decision to leave...

Anonymous said...

of course megan's rep would say that to save embarrassment

people will still watch it for the action and shia, but they better get another big big name for the girl and some costars or else it will lose a ton of fans