Dear Fans,
I would like to take a moment to clarify something that has been brought to my attention this morning. It is very easy for comments to be taken out of context and create unnecessary drama-especially between us women. So I would like to tell you all directly so my words can not be misconstrued to sell someone else’s story…I have absolutely nothing against Lady Gaga or any other female artist in this business. I think she is great, and I appreciate any woman fearless enough to go against the norm. She has earned her success with hard work and a clear focus and I have nothing but respect for that.
There is room for all of us on everyone’s iPods.This is not the first time I have been unfairly pitted against another female artist but it will be the last time I comment on the matter.
“Can’t hold us down….”
With love,
See, I hope these stans wars calm down now.
Like I've said before, I'll listen to whoever I like. It doesn't matter to me who's better or who came first.
like she's said, she's been compared to others before. it's gonna happen again. what does it matter? it's nonsense. the worlds big enough for all these talented amazing ladies
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