Thursday, September 10, 2009

Brad Paisley and His Family on People

Brad Paisley and wife Kimberly Williams-Paisley show off their beautiful sons Huck and Jasper on the cover of the latest issue People Magazine. This is our first glimpse of the couple’s second child Jasper.

People was on location with the Paisley family at their 6,500 square-foot log-cabin, situated on 85 acres of farm land in Franklin, Tennessee, where Kim revealed that caring for the two boys is “challenging” because “we haven’t potty-trained Huck…Two feels like more than two. It feels like five sometimes! But we’re so fortunate that Jasper is happy most of the time.” Huck inspired his dad’s song Huckleberry Jam, which means that Jasper “will need a song, too!” adds Brad.

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